Monday, February 13, 2006

Speech Contest - 13 Feb 2006

To view 44 photos taken by KC, please click here.
Spot the Stars with the date the 13th of Feb 2006 and falls on the eve of Valentine’s day was certainly an event to be remembered..

We have 5 stars who crafted their speeches for the International Speech Contest. Lim Hin Chong set the ball rolling with “Happiness is what we want.” Simon Soh returned to the club after a long absence and delivered “Is what is isn’t, what isn’t is?” Meanwhile, Ng Cheong Boon gave his version on “Searching for Success.” Then came Robert Hue who gave an interesting account of “Mother-In-Law”. Koh Teck Lee close the speech contest with his speech title “Face up with reality.”

The judges certainly had a challenging task in identifying the winners of the International Speech Contest.

Who were present at this event?....Our Area W3 Governor James Arokiasamy, ATMS and Past District 51 DPRO Lucky, ATMB and Past Division W Governor Ramdas Nayar, ATMB who came to support this event by being in the judging team headed by Lucky, ATMB.

We had 30% of the audience who were non Toastmasters and participated in the Spot the Stars Contest where 1 guest managed to match the official results of the judges in the International Speech Contest. The other winner was our President Hor Kam Peng.

After the refreshments, we moved on to the Table Topics Contest, the Contest Chair Celine, DTM gave an interesting topic “Life is like a box of chocolates” which lead 7 stars to try on their creativity with their interesting versions. We had a new member who courageously went for the contest. We had another ‘long lost member’ Robert Hue who was hesitant at first in taking part and finally got supportive senior members to encourage him to take up the challenge. Who are the other stars in this contest, they were Koh Teck Lee, Ng Cheong Boon, Simon Soh, Lim Hin Chong and Hor Kam Peng.

Besides, having 3 contests on the same evening, our President Hor Kam Peng managed to source from ACER for lucky draws where 2 guests and our member Simon Soh were the lucky winners for the evening.

Who were the winners for the International Speech Contest?

Champion - Simon Soh, ATMB
1st Runner Up - Ng Cheong Boon, CL
2nd Runner Up - Lim Hin Chong, ATMS

The winners for the Table Topics Contest were…….

Champion - Hor Kam Peng, ATMB
1st Runner Up - Simon Soh, ATMB
2nd Runner Up - Lee King Thim, CTM


The Champions and the 1st Runners Up for both the contests will deliver their ‘show’ on 11 March 2006 in the Area W3 International Speech and Table Topics Contest. Keep a date with them on 11 March 2006. Watch for the news on the venue of the contests.

We need to graciously thank our Organising Chair Gwendoline Gwen, CTM who tirelessly reminded and constantly encourage members to take part in the speech contests. Despite her busy schedule, Celine, DTM took up the role as Contest Chair and ensure the contestants were adequately brief on the contests.
Our Chief Judge Lucky, ATMB chose credible judges in his team and carefully brief the roleplayers. Our President Hor Kam Peng, despite her busy meeting schedule managed to get the assistance of another member to deliver the prizes and souvenirs from ACER on time for the contests. Our sponsors ACER, Berjaya Hotels and Resorts, C-Excel Training, Macsam Sdn Bhd, Mines Cruise Management and Saba Safety and Health Management who made their contributions for this event.
Of course, our cameraman, KC Leong, CL who ensure everyone were covered in this event. You could be on candid camera! Be sure to look out for photos taken by him.

Thank You to All, who have made this event, a success and memorable one.

Kudos!! To All Winners for this event.

From the desk of VPPR...Siew Chen