Sunday, August 15, 2010

Club Meeting on 26 July 2010

It was indeed a night to relax, have a good belly laugh and more importantly to be with friends that share a common interest - which is to talk to crowds! Public speaking is not so terrifying if you know the how, and with the who to guide you, you are on your journey to removing your butterflies! (literally?)

The meeting kicked off by our ASA ATMS, ALS Lim Hin Chong leading the national anthem and followed by introduction of all members (something like warming up before you start your exercise). Thereafter, our President Lawrence, ACB shared with us some very significant dates that include the following:

(1) 9th August – Our club level’s Humorous Speech and Evaluation Speech contest

(2) 14th August – Area W Humorous Speech and Evaluation Speech contest

(3) 25th September shall be the installation of our club’s officers for the term 2010/2011

(4) 11th October shall be our Tall Tale contest

(5) November and December (the actual dates are to be determined), we shall be having Speech Craft and a workshop by none other than our DTM K Loghandran

We had our humour master / do your thing session after a hiatus for a couple of meetings by our very own DTM K. Loghandran. He tickled us pink with his version of acronyms when introducing the journey of achieving Distinguished Toastmasters journey. Prior to Competent Communication, it was formally known as Competent Toastmaster or “Cannot Talk Much”. It is amazing to know that we cannot talk much after completing all the 10 project speeches, reckon that may be the core reason to changed them from CTM to CC. So what is the meaning of CC? (still scratching my head to think of something funny but cannot be funny seriously!)

We were showered with creative ideas from none other than our meteorologist daughter who is also a very new member, Michelle. After completing her ice breaker speech at the last meeting, she took the bull by the horns when she signed up to become the Table Topics Master. Her ingenious titles on the theme “weather” were so creative that it keeps us thinking hard.

When Mun Yuen spoke on “Snowflakes are kisses from heaven”, she recounted her nearest vision was during her Japan trip which was more of ice than that of snow and it was very dirty too. Reckon being in a HOT HOT HOT country, like me, we get kisses of sun ray and never any of snow flakes here!

Bob was given “Below the starry night” where he tried to rekindle his love with his significant half and seemed very starry eyed himself. I got so imbued into his starry story that I have forgotten his tale, so much for being in the starry, starry mood too! When Darcy Steinhardt was given the title “Raining cats and dogs” he captivated us with his definition of the term and continued to tickle us with his jokes. He is indeed a natural entertainer and our club’s champion table topic speaker. So need I say further that he clinched the award of the best table topic speaker? Duh! Bravo Darcy, and we need you to teach us so that Speakers’ Dream can continue to ‘produce’ champion table topics speakers like you.

Wong shared that his weather was never down considering having retired for 10 years now when he was bombarded with the title “My weather is a bit down”. This lucky man does not need to be in the rat race anymore or to rush to the office to punch card or sign in as he has been calling his shots where finances are concern. Ratnam had a twist on his story about “on a full moon night”. He shared with us on how he managed to force his wife to accept his proposal. Reckon his trick shall not work with 21st century ladies who are now more mobile and shall gladly ask him to hand over his car keys (wink). Hin Chong shared his banking experience as an experienced banker but did not state anything about the “rain check”. I was fascinated with your expertise, yet confused with your delivery at the same time, however, it was a very good technical speech there sir!

When our Toastmasters of the Evening IPP Ismail CTM continued to introduce the core of the meeting which is the project speeches we continued to have ice breaker speeches. This was delivered by yet another student Choong who shared his experience on public speaking before telling us that he is very determined to perfect his skills by joining none other than Speakers’ Dream Toastmasters club. As a first time speaker, he could deliver his jokes with a straight face! Choong, you should sign up to compete in the Humorous Speech contest since there is no requirement to complete 6 speeches prior to the competition.

When Weng Cheong shared his “Sweet Smell of Success” on his CFP journey he was so animated that I was wondering if he could be more suited to becoming an actor rather than that of a financial planner. Well, that was my observation and opinion sir so all the best on your results. We know with your commitment and hard work you can definitely get your certification.
If you are familiar with the term “leaving the best for last”, it always applies in our club. The last speech was delivered by none other than our President ACB Lawrence entitled “How to be humorous, seriously!”. He is an eloquent speaker, actor cum entertainer. His acronym of successful humorous speaking was GAS. As I was so engrossed in laughing that I could only recall GOOGLE and reckon for the rest, your guess shall be as good as mine haha……..He was nominated the best project speaker that evening. Bravo President and we look forward to hearing more of your speeches.

As for best evaluators, Darcy Steinhardt walked away with the award as a very natural evaluator. He walked away with two awards that night, and if this continues we may be noted of having some conspiracy in our club. But I can guarantee you that he is REALLY good. So if you want to know more then drop by at our club, cause we never fail to entertain. We had such great relaxing moments and we have successfully arrested the issue of fear for public speaking. So if you have not been visiting us, you have just missed the recent “flight” but fear no more, cause for YOU we have fortnightly flights on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. Check us out cause we will continue to wow and tickle you pink. Where else can you find a place that allows you to exercise your lungs!

Our next “flight” shall be on 9th August 2010 (Monday) where we will entertain you with our club’s Humorous Speech and Evaluation Speech Contest. We have lined up great entertaining speakers and do grab your seats to avoid disappointment.
Back to you

K Loghandran shares about the journey as a Toastmaster member...towards DTM.

Hope people get some valuable pointers from GAS.

Induction of Elwinder Singh.

Induction of Choong Wai Kiat, our newly Ice-breaker. Eldest son, with an admirable drive to succeed at such a young age.

Induction of Asyfar Rahman.

Induction of Ng Lay Choo.

Light session with the Area Governor, CC Kang

This photo is doubled for 2 wins for Darcy. He won both Table Topic Speaker and Evaluation Speaker. He can't lose!!!

President and VPE with the Extol TMC Guests, Ratnam, Kwa (President), Bob and PY Wong. Huge honor to have them attending our club.
Written by Ng Lay Choo, VPPR.
Posted by KC, Webmaster.

Club Meeting on 12 July 2010

Our young and good looking President Lawrence made his inaugural presidential speech by giving due recognitions to the past presidents and founder. His magnanimous gratitude touched my heart, more so when he spoke with such genuineness. He continued to recognise the new team with a very colourful and humorous introduction that was crafted nicely for each and every EXCO member. I trust the club shall continue to have a very interesting and colourful term under his leadership and we shall be glad to serve such an effervescent leader.

The TME of the evening was none other than ATMS, ALS Lim Hin Chong who is such a polished speaker that I was completely captivated even when he sometimes reminiscences about the FIFA world cup you can see the sparkle in his eyes for his love for football. He is a polished diamond with all the Cs (every ladies best friend too!).

Our Immediate Past President, CTM Ismail managed to introduce an interesting table topic by allowing the speakers to reminiscence about their past (something I shall avoid completely as I do forget to comb my hair at times – or should I be honest and declare all the time haha…..).

6 very brave speakers shared their views of the past and although Teck Lee managed to tickle me pink, it was our General Evaluator (the very handsome) Vijayendran Vijayaratnam fondly known as Viji aka ‘Sam’ in the latest play The Condo Cocoon that managed to clinch the best speaker with his pristine Christine. If there was an award for the most frequent usage of the word of the day, he shall be the KING of Pristine! (even the grammarian Vincent lost count, maybe should have loaned you my fingers and toes Vince!). It was then I got to know that he champs the tall tale contest (hmmm interesting and colourful gentleman).

Although our eloquent speaker Hin Chong continued to mesmerise us with his control of the meeting, he fumbled when he had to introduce all four very beautiful, young and eloquent speakers (power of beauty eh! Well guys you get completely intoxicated by beauties don’t you?)

It is amazing to witness all four almost polished diamonds delivering their prepared speeches. Tonight we had a good mix of 3 speeches from the Competent Communication manual and 1 from the Advanced Communication – Specialty Speeches manual.

Michelle our new ‘baby’ member (as she is very young, well compared to this dinosaur sigh!) shared about herself in her Ice Breaker speech. We got to know that Michelle was an ABC (not ais batu campur but American Born Chinese). Though she claims not to be fluent in English you should not be deceived by that, cause well, she did not murder the Englishman (where most Malaysians do when we speak Manglish) but merely bruised them a bit J

Pearly delivered her very well researched speech by throwing us a very hard question “What would you do if your mother was sick?” It awakened us when her analogy was that of Mother Nature. It was indeed captivating and very informative. We learnt that nursing Mother Nature is as easy as ABC too. Wow, yet another ABC? In this case we should consciously reduce our usage of Air conditioning, Bags and emission of Carbon dioxide. Of course, to do that she gave us a rundown of some chemistry lessons which I trust she uses the model called “If you cannot convince us, please confuse us”. We were gladly confused by your bombardment of gases (hmm no flatulence here).

When Jebbie introduced the patterns of sleeping that tells your personality it was interesting to observe the Steinhardts nodding vigorously, smiling widely before Darcy pointed that Chrissy is a soldier. Well Chrissy you can run but you cannot hide cause we are reading you like a book now!

Finally, we leave the best for last as, Loretta aka Angela in the play and our lead actor presented her winning speech on having our hairy audacious dreams. So dream everyday people and if you get fired by your boss just reply that only leaders are dreamers! So remember to quote Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers, Bill Gates etc.

The Steinhardts are naturally great evaluators, as they are very generous with their commendations which is a great booster and succinct in their recommendations. It is a lesson I feel we Asians are lacking. As an avid ‘clubber’ I hear more recommendations than commendations and there was one time where the evaluator was excited to find a speaker’s weakness - sigh! I was once evaluated that I look very fierce, so any donation for a plastic surgery into Joker?

So if you want to have fun, find Speakers Dream as we continue to produce a myriad of entertainers and not to forget polished diamonds too. Learning from the best always comes from the best club. See you all on 26th July 2010.

Back to you

Table Topic Winner: Vijay. Talked about his most memorable moment in the year "2008". No Marylin Monroe but ladies galore all the same :), Fantasy notwithstanding

Michele "ABC" Chang who just completed her Ice Breaker. Thoroughly enjoyable and we love her more after hearing from her.

Assignment Speaker winner: Loretta. She made me feel young again. Wait... I am young..

Evaluator Winner: Darcy. He made evaluations of Pearly Chong effervescently entertaining while at the same time educational.
Written by Ng Lay Choo, VPPR
Posted by KC, Webmaster.