Monday, September 18, 2006

Club Installation Night

September 11, is one date everyone will always remember and what was happening in our club on this very day.

Our annual event, the Speakers’ Dream Toastmasters Club Installation Nite was held. Our club is now moving into our 10th year of existence and with every year achieving the President Distinguished Club status.

The club has produced 10 Club Presidents, all first timers as Presidents in this club. Gwendoline Gwee, CTM CL is the fourth lady president in this club. She gave an impressive speech where one will certainly remember ‘3 G from Celcom’ to her meaning of 3 Gs for our club. She ‘took the cat out of the bag’ and elaborated on her version of 3 Gs..…

Gain Give Grow

The crucial ingredients to achieve excellence and success in an individual

Our Past District51 Secretary DTM Celine took the role of the Installation Officer for the Installation Ceremony of the Club Officers for the term 2006/2007. DTM Celine, being a charter member of the club, will certainly want to ensure that the club will have another term of continuity for Speakers’ Dream Toastmasters Club.

We are certainly fortunate to have our dedicated Webmaster KC Leong, who had just made headlines in the recent Rat Race 2006 and became the winning team for RHB Bank . Kudos KC!!!

KC came with his camera and he certainly does not want to miss anything that was happening, right beneath his nose. Another dedicated member who did his best by promoting both clubs ie Speakers’ Dream and Spot-on Theatre via his photos and most of all…..creating Memories of Achievement for our club.

Next was the Event of Dedication……The Toastmaster of the Year Award. As usual, we took another way in nominating award winner than the norm of selection by the EXCO. Instead, the members were given an opportunity to cast their votes for the TME Award. 75% of the votes goes to DTM Siew Chien for the The Toastmaster of the Year Award. Congratulations Siew Chien!! Keep it up and be the guiding example for our new members for dedication and commitment.

For the rest of the evening, we had the opportunity to witness Simon and Cheong Boon presenting their contest humorous speeches where the audience was the evaluators.

A reminder from Toastmasters International on building quality members and club came in timely where Assistant Division Governor Education and Training DTM Tang Sum Chee shared with us on the new Competent Leadership module.

The evening was filled with dedication and commitment from members who came and support the event. New members like CTM Alfred from Gua Musang and Yew Fai who had a crucial business meeting but attended the event immediately after his meeting.

CTM Alfred brought along with him two guests with the hope of getting new members for the club. Senior and distinguished member like DTM Celine, despite her busy business schedule, ensured the club officers are officially installed. Not forgetting the support from other Past Presidents of our club who came and supported the event.

The Installation Nite was a fellowship nite with new and senior members got together to commemorate the event and most of all, Speakers’ Dream Toastmasters Club is now officially registered
with Registrar of Societies.

Good nite.

From the desk of VPPR

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