Sunday, July 11, 2010

Spot-On Theatre Production

Funny Money (2006)

The very hilarious first show by Spot-On Theatre Production, produced by Siew Chien and starred the famous Monty and Loggie. Funny Money brings people to the insider stories of banks, whether legal or illegal, with hilarious touch of the re known lines of Monty and Loggie. It also features some famous politicians ...

Please click here to view the short video created by Lawrence Hoo. Turn on the speaker volumn.

I Will Survive (2008)

This is the third production by Spot-On Theatre. Shown in the old The Actors Studio location at Bangsar Shopping Complex.

Please click here to view the video created by Lawrence Hoo. Turn on the speaker volumn.

Posted by KC

Club Meeting 28 June 2010

Make your Life a Mission – Not an Intermission

‘The Condo Cocoon’ drama at the Spot-On Theatre was marvelous, with our Toastmasters displaying their natural talent for acting on stage! The audience was entertained, laughing, and gave encouraging feedback to our actors. Our dear Toastmasters looked stunning on stage, and all of them applied skills from what they have learned in the club. Of course, we would also like to thank our charming producer, DTM Siew Chien, stage manager CC Ismail Fahmy, graphic designer Jack How, PJ Live Arts for technical assistance, and not forgetting everyone who came to watch our performance!
Now moving on to report on our latest meeting:

It was another prodigious Monday night on 28 June 2010 as we welcome our wonderful guests into our meeting. We celebrate the return of our enthusiastic guests, Wei Li and Mr. Lee, as well as Helsadiq from Sudan! AMAZING! We thank Helsadiq again for taking his time to see our speakers in action! It is also the day when we had Michele, a student from Tunku Abdul Rahman College who have just registered in as our newest member, as well as Elwinder who did his CC No. 1 Speech!

We are happy that our club is growing bigger and bigger with new, young members!

Our TME, Chow Mun Yuen, still ecstatic from her previous acting performance, gave an introductory speech on how joining Toastmasters would not just improve your public speaking skills, but also transforms you into a better, aspired individual. Toastmasters open up new opportunities for members to not just speaking, but also acting, directing and script-writing too.

Table Topics Master ACB Ng Lay Choo was gleefully delighted to present her ‘Table Topics Goodies’ to our TT Speakers. Our first speaker, Chrissy Steinheardt was pleasantly surprised when she picked out a cereal box from Lay Choo’s bag of goodies. To our amazement, Chrissy threw the cereal box on the ground and made a strong objection that cereals are not good for health. Chrissy shared that when she was young, she was living off a nightmarish cereal diet, and when she did a hair medical check-up, she found out she was deficient in 19 minerals! She lamented that cereal is merely junk food and vowed not to consume cereal ever again. (At the end of the speech, Lay Choo comically shoved the cereal box into Chrissy’s hands when Chrissy tried to run away!)

Our second TT speaker, Wei Li picked out a cute fruit toothpick and was assigned a task to advertise it. Our third speaker, Helsadiq from Sudan got himself a funky Chinese herbal packet, and was asked to introduce the nutrition in the drug. We were amused to hear how a Sudanese would comment on Chinese herbs in his own point of view!

Our fourth speaker, Mr. Lee picked out a chamomile tea packet and was asked to speak on merits of drinking tea. An extraordinary tea connoisseur as he is, he explained on how tea would be a much healthier, tastier option than coffee. We were astounded by his wide vocabulary of words he used to describe tea and coffee itself! For a moment there, I thought he was really marketing tea.

Fifth speaker, Lawrence Hoo got himself an ang-pau packet and was then asked whether if he agrees that it is meritous to give ang-pau to singles. Lawrence gave a really funny statement that an ang-pau means a declaration of loneliness! He further added that it is a conundrum to give away ang-paus to declare that you’re married because it is difficult for married people who have lots of financial commitments.

With the end of Table Topics, we were proud to announce the Best Table Topic Speaker to tea connoisseur extraordinaire, Mr. Lee! (Unfortunately, he left earlier so I didn’t get to take a picture of him. Oops).

Alright, now it’s time to get the ball rolling with our CC speeches!

TM Vincent Chow presented a CC No. 4 speech on ‘The Art of Falling Down’. He spoke up on proactivity and reactivity (living life positively or negatively) and gave suggestions on how to deal with challenges that hit us hard in the face, and control how we respond.

ACG Simon Soh did his last CC No. 10 speech on ‘Change’ as his farewell speech before ‘retiring’ on 1st July 2010. Simon encouraged us members to move along with changes happening in our life, and get prepared to go into the unknown. Moreover, he appealed that to be a good speaker; he or she doesn’t need to be fluent in speaking a language, it’s how changed a person becomes to make his speech sincere and meaningful. No one would trust a speaker who doesn’t speak out from his own heart. Simon ended his speech by saying that Speakers’ Dream is a wonderful club, and we all have dreams to fulfill. Simon shall remember every one of us as his best friends, and he shall leave the club with a lot of pride.

We thank you, Simon for being our best friend and mentor too. You have done so much to Speakers’ Dream, and we do wish you could come back as a guest for our future meetings.

Up next, it’s our newest member TM Elwinder Singh to present his CC No.1 Speech on ‘The Defining Moments of My Life’. He gave a Swiss-Cheese version of his speech by starting off with his memories as an 11 year old boy learning Bahasa Malaysia from his neighbor. He remembered his neighbor told him that if he wants to succeed, he has to work hard. He took that advice to heart and as a result, he excelled in his Bahasa Malaysia exam, and would soon achieved his SPM years later with flying colors! He also learned to be tough when he joined a rugby team full with muscled boys. In the end, he joined Speakers’ Dream so that he can become a better speaker and also improve his confidence too.

With Simon’s emotional speech, he won himself the Best Speaker Award for the night! Congratulations, Simon! You deserved it.

Next, the Best Evaluator Award goes to ACS, CL Alfred Koh for evaluating Simon Soh!

That is the end of our report on the night’s meeting. We thank our roleplayers, speakers and evaluators for making this meeting wonderful for us, our guests and Simon.
Cheers. Rawr!
Written by: TM Vincent Chow
Posted by: KC Leong

Farewell to Simple Simon

On 1 July 2010, ACG Simple/ Funny/ Amazing Simon Soh left Speakers’ Dream Toastmasters Club. Simon’s bubbly, yet wise personality has surely made his presence felt in every TM meeting, not just as an amazing speaker but also a dearest friend in our hearts.
For every fortnight, we would be clutching our seats, eyes fixated on the agenda paper, curiously wondering what Simon will say in his next speech. We would be awed and amazed by Simon’s impactful speeches, spiced with heartfelt wisdom, warm sincerity and a pinch of humor.

Here is just a small list of his major achievements as a Toastmaster:

1) Achieved Toastmasters Educational Distinction (ACG) distinction. However, he still repeated the Communication and Leadership Manuals to help the club achieve DCPs.

2) Won Speakers’ Dream Toastmaster of the Year Award on year 2009.

3) Actively competed in club contests.

4) Represented club in area contests, one of which he became a 1st runner-up, and then champion in Area W6 International Speech and Table Topics contests respectively.

5) Brought in enthusiastic people to become new members of the club.

6) Filled in for absent officers.

7) Took up roles when not dong speeches.

8) Occasionally won Best Speaker and Best Evaluator awards.

9) Served as an encouraging mentor to other speakers.

10) Visited other clubs to do speeches.

11) Volunteered to take on special assignments which enhanced the quality of the club and offered to do CL to help club in achieving DCPs.

12) Whether in officer position or not, he was a keen Toastmaster.

13) Conducted various workshops.

14) When he personally developed himself, the club also benefited from his wealth of thoughts and experiences.

List of Simon’s achievements compiled by Chow Mun Yuen. Many thanks!

He will certainly be missed in every meeting in the future, and we do hope Simon shall come to SDTMC as a guest.

Whenever I see an empty seat in the hall, I’d be reminded of Simon. He had left a legacy, an imprint of himself in the club, and it is up to us, the new blood of SDTMC to continue living his legacy, and make him proud.
We shall strive not to be better speakers, but to be a better self. That we shall promise

Simon Soh proudly showing his coveted Speakers’ Dream Toastmaster of the Year 2009 Award

Simon together with Speakers’ Dream Toastmasters.

Simon just can’t wait to use his camera to capture our Toastmasters’ gleeful faces!

Simon won the Humorous Speech Contest in 2008.

Happy day at SDTMC!
Ps: Photos sourced from Simon Soh’s Facebook.

Written by: Vincent Chow
Posted by: KC Leong